「 香 港 龍 舟 年 」 銀 禧 慶 典
" Hong Kong Year of Dragon Boating" Silver Jubilee Celebration
Mr. Chung Chi Lok, Arnold
25th Silver Jubilee Celebration Organizing Committee
中國香港龍舟總會銀禧慶典 HKCDBA 25th Silver Jubilee Celebration
To mark the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association cum 40th Anniversary of Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races in 2016, I am honored to share with you that the Association will present a series of celebratory events entitled “Hong Kong Year of Dragon Boating” commencing in February. In the past 25 years, HKCDBA has become a key icon in the sport of dragon boating, with our athletes, coaches, race officials and students spanning the city.
我們熱切期盼能與香港各界人仕一同分享這個別具意義的一年;有見及此,除了安排於2016年10月16日為香港傷殘青年協會 (簡稱傷青會) 籌款而舉行的12.5 公里的慈善長途龍舟賽事外,另外五項社區共融龍舟活動亦會陸續推出。
We want to share this meaningful occasion with all Hongkongers. Therefore, apart from the charitable fundraising 12.5 kilometers long distance race on 16 October, 2016 for the Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth (HKFHY), five other community initiatives will be launched throughout the year.
The objective of HKFHY is to gather the collective power of handicapped youths to promote the spirit of self-help; through advocating equal opportunities and developing rehabilitation services, to help the disabled to fully integrate, participate and contribute to the society. This is in line with our commitment on youth development and our objective to contribute to the society. All the donations raised from the long distance race will go to HKFHY.
「香港龍舟年」的首個並且是「欣賞香港」其中一項活動 -「揮槳廿五載 擊鼓創未來」龍舟展覽 暨 第六屆室內龍舟錦標賽將於 2016 年2 月 25 至28日一連四天,假九龍鑽石山荷里活廣場中庭舉行。我非常期待各位親臨參與這個開幕活動,是次活動不但希望各方的龍舟好友能聚首一堂回顧及展望未來,更讓大眾透過展覽會見證香港及龍舟總會過去的龍舟運動發展同努力。
You are cordially invited to the inaugural celebratory event, also one of the "Appreciate Hong Kong" activities, to be held at Plaza Hollywood on 25-28 February 2016, namely the “25 Years of Commitment; Empowered to Excel” Dragon Boat Exhibition cum 6th Hong Kong Indoor Dragon Boat Championships. Being the first event of the series, this exhibition is promised to be a meaningful get-together with all dragon boat lovers and friends which will not only allow Hongkongers to appreciate the history and evolution of this cultural water sports, but also to experience the joy of dry land dragon boat machines.
展覽會除了展示香港及龍舟總會過去的歷史及發展外,更有不同的遊戲攤位及有機會親身體驗陸上龍舟機,一嘗划龍舟的樂趣。各位更可參加第六屆室內龍舟錦標賽,與其他龍舟愛好者一決高下!如此有意義的活動,你豈能錯過? 有關活動詳情如下:
In this exhibition, the history of dragon boat racing in Hong Kong and key milestones of HKCDBA will be shown to the public. There will also be booth games for youth followed by the 6th Hong Kong Indoor Dragon Boat Championships. No matter whether you are a dragon boat player, this is an event that you simply cannot miss. Come and have fun with us! Details of the event is as follows:
活動:「揮槳廿五載 擊鼓創未來」龍舟展覽 暨 第六屆室內龍舟錦標賽
Event:“25 Years of Commitment; Empowered to Excel” Dragon Boat Exhibition cum 6th Hong Kong Indoor Dragon Boat Championships
日期:2016年2月25至28日 (星期四至日)
Date:25-28 February 2016 (Thursday - Sunday)
程序: 2月25日,下午1時至2時 - 「香港龍舟年」啟動禮 (只限受邀請人士),展覽至下午8時
Program: Feb 25, 1pm to 2pm - "Hong Kong Year of Dragon Boating" Launching Ceremony (by invitation only), followed by Exhibition till 8pm
2月26日,下午2時至下午8時 - 「揮槳廿五載 擊鼓創未來」龍舟展覽
Feb 26, 2pm to 8pm - Exhibition
2月27日,上午11時至下午8時 - 與眾同樂日及陸上龍舟機體驗
Feb 27, 11am to 8pm - Fun Day and Dragon Boat Machine Experience
2月28日,上午11時至下午5時 - 第六屆室內龍舟錦標賽
Feb 28, 11am to 5pm - 6th Hong Kong Indoor Dragon Boat Championships
Venue:Stars Atrium, Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill, Kowloon
除此之外,請密切留意「香港龍舟年」的其他社區共融龍舟活動,包括:「龍舟齊划 傷健同行」、「暑假齊來划龍舟」青少年計劃、「龍舟運動知多少」學校巡迴展覽,及龍舟攝影比賽等,將陸續推出。
Other community outreach programs such as “Companion Paddling with Disabilities”, “Let’s Paddle this Summer!” Youth Program, School Roving Exhibition and Dragon Boat Photo Contest will be rolled out in due course. Please stay tuned with us!
We could not have made the 25 years of commitment without the continuous support from the Home Affairs Bureau, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong Tourism Board, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, sponsors, affiliate clubs, members and the dragon boat community. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the organizations and individuals who have contributed to the sports of dragon-boating. We hope to serve you even better in many more 25 years!
銀禧慶典籌委會成員 25th Silver Jubilee Celebration Organizing Committee Members
銀禧慶典活動 25th Silver Jubilee Celebratory Events
「揮槳廿五載 擊鼓創未來」龍舟展覽
“25 Years of Commitment; Empowered to Excel” Dragon Boat Exhibition
2016 / 2 / 25 - 28
6th Hong Kong Indoor Dragon Boat Championship
2016 / 2 / 28
Young Post第7屆香港學界龍舟錦標賽
Young Post 7th Interschool Dragon Boat Championships
2016 / 4 / 24
Samsung第59屆體育節龍舟比賽 - 五人龍示範表演
Samsung 59th Festival of Sport Dragon Boat Competition -
5-seater Dragon Boat Demonstration
2016 / 4 / 10
The 2nd Hong Kong Inter-university Dragon Boat Championships
2016 / 4 / 23
「揮漿廿五載 擊鼓創未來」攝影比賽
"25 Years of Commitment, Empowered to Excel" Photo Contest
2016 / 2 - 2016/10
This calendar draws together different "Hong Kong Year of Dragon Boating" celebratory events and
will be updated regularly, so keep checking back!
鳴謝 Acknowledgement
Sponsors of Silver Jubliee Celebration
精工表 大連乾龍水上運動發展有限公司
Patrons of Silver Jubliee Celebration
會長 劉漢華, SBS, 太平紳士
副會長 吳家麗女士
副贊助人 趙不求先生, MH 副贊助人 郭志樑先生, MH
副會長 梁紹安先生 副會長 劉偉光先生
主席 馬兆榮醫生, MH
副會長 吳國榮先生 名譽顧問 卓振賢博士
副主席 林國良太平紳士 副主席 鍾志樂先生
Partners of Silver Jubliee Celebration
Steve Chessman Production 荷里活廣場
大會義務攝影 展覽場地提供
Supporting Organizations of Silver Jubliee Celebration
Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong Water Sports Council
International Dragon Boat Feberation
Asian Dragon Boat Feberation
The Outstanding Young Persons Association
JCI Hong Kong
Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business
Hong Kong Society for
Education in Art
Hong Kong Federation of
Handicapped Youth
Scout Association of Hong Kong