「 香 港 龍 舟 年 」 慶 典 活 動 概 覽
An Overview of "Hong Kong Year of Dragon Boating" Celebratory Events
「揮槳廿五載 擊鼓創未來」攝影比賽
“25 Years of Commitment; Empowered to Excel” Photo Contest
2016 / 2 - 10
1. 活動簡介
隨着在荷里活廣場舉行龍舟展覽之同時,「揮槳廿五載 擊鼓創未來」攝影比賽亦於2016 年 2 月 25 日開始,歡迎廣大市民參加。
2. 活動目的
這項攝影比賽旨在通過各參賽者拍攝的精彩照片,捕足中國香港龍舟總會於 2016 主辦的賽事中最刺激緊張、傳神的一刻。藉此推廣龍舟運動。
3. 活動日期
2 月 25 日(四) 至 10 月 16 日(日)
4. 組別
學生組 及 公開組
5. 參賽作品數量
6. 參加資格及作品格式
學生組 - 參加者必須在 2016 年 6 月 1 日前未滿 18 歲。
公開組 - 參加者無年齡、性別限制。
參賽作品必須數碼拍攝,每張作品最少800萬像素JPEG檔案,大小須為1MB 至3MB
7. 參賽方法
請於即日起至 10 月 23 日或之前,把照片、姓名(必須跟身份証相同) 、聯絡電話、參加之組別及個人身份証首4個字電郵至hkdbaphoto@gmail.com。逾期遞交的參賽作品概不受理。
8. 中國香港龍舟總會2016年主辦的比賽包括:
- 第六屆室內龍舟錦標賽
- 第59屆體育節 - 龍舟比賽
- 第二屆香港大專龍舟錦標賽
- 第七屆香港學界龍舟錦標賽
- 第四十屆香港國際龍舟邀請賽
- 第十八屆香港龍舟錦標賽
- 第七屆香港長途龍舟錦標賽
註: 以上所有比賽場地均不接受航拍。
9. 獎項
冠軍:$1000禮卷 + 獎座
亞軍:$800禮卷 + 獎座
季軍:$500禮卷 + 獎座
最具人氣獎 : 獎座
冠軍:$3000禮卷 + 獎座
亞軍:$2000禮卷 + 獎座
季軍:$1000禮卷 + 獎座
最具人氣獎: 獎座
10. 評選團
11. 評選及得獎作品公佈日期
評選工作定於 2016 年 11 月進行。比賽結果會於 11 月 30 日在總會 facebook 頁內公布。主辦單位會另函通知得獎者領獎。
12. 備註
1) 所有參加者所遞交的參賽作品必須是參賽者於2016年中國香港龍舟總會主辦的龍舟比賽會埸拍攝的原創照片。
2) 每名參賽者只能在每組比賽的冠、亞、季軍中獲獎一次! 最具人氣獎則不在此限。每名參賽者在每組比賽中獲獎的總數最多兩次。
3) 參賽者明白所有參賽作品會由主辦單位處理,不會獲得退還,並同意遵守有關規則。
4) 參賽者所提供的個人資料及其他資料,只作報名、統計、聯絡及宣傳之用。參賽者如要更改或查閱所申報的資料,請與秘書處聯絡。
5) 主辦機構保留以任何形式出版、複製及展覽所得獎作品的權利,不向參加者另付報酬。
6) 所有參賽作品必須為原創作品,並無侵犯他人的權益(包括但不限於版權)及並未作公發表;參賽者如被 發現盜用任何其他商業或非商業權益,將被取消資格,而引起侵犯版權之版權問題,均與主辦單位無關。
7) 參賽者應確保遞交之參賽作品不存在色情、暴力、不良意識或商業和宗教宣傳成份,亦不會構成誹謗、不 雅、冒犯、種族誤會或歧視等。
8) 參賽作品不可顯示姓名或其他個人資訊,參賽者亦不可添加簽名或浮水印等能代表個人資訊的文字、符號 或圖片於作品內。
9) 參賽作品的表達方法及基本格調 沒有 (i) 抵觸或違反適用法律或規則,或涉及觸犯或違反適用法律或規則的元素,包括但不限於犯罪、暴力、 淫穢或不雅; (ii) 侵犯或違反任何知識產權,包括但不限於由第三方持有的版權、商標及/或商業秘密,不論參賽者對 該些產權是否知情; (iii) 包含任何第三方的機密資料; (iv) 包含未經公眾中的個別人仕或團體事先同意而拍攝的作品;及 (v) 包含個人資料(私隱)條例(第 486 章)中定義為個人資料的內容
13. 查詢
電話: (852) 2504 8332 電郵: hkdba@hkolympic.org
傳真: (852) 2577 1873 網址: www.hkcdba.org
14. 如對本活動詳情有任何爭議,中國香港龍舟總會將保留最終決定權。
15. 如中、英文版本有任何歧義,概以中文版本為準。
1. Introduction
With the kick off of the dragon boat exhibition at the Hollywood Plaza, Diamond Hill, the next community outreach program of HKCDBA’s “Hong Kong Year of Dragon Boating” celebration series on “25 Years of Commitment; Empowered to Excel” Photo Contest is now OPEN FOR ENTRIES.
2. Aim
The Contest aims to feature impressive photographs of the dragon boat races organized by Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association, interesting or touching scenes captured at the race venue with the view to promoting the sport of dragon boating. We await for the Catch the moment photography!
3. Date of the Event
February 25 to October 16, 2016
4. Category
Open Section and Student Section
5. Number of entries
Entrants may submit as many entries as they wish.
6. Requirement & Format
Open Section – No age nor gender limitation.
Student Section – All participants must be under 18 years of age on June 1, 2016.
All entries must be digital photos, each photo in JPEG with 800pixels, file size between 1 to 3MB.
7. Enrollment
Entrants may submit your work to the Secretariat by email to hkdbaphoto@gmail.com together with your name (must be the same as in your ID card/passport), contact number, category participating and the first 4 digit of your ID card or passport on or before 23 Oct. Late submissions will not be accepted.
All entries will be uploaded to HKCDBA’s facebook page once processed so that everyone can
participate by voting for their most preferred photo.
8. 2016 Races organized by Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association includes:
6th Indoor Dragon Boat Championships;
59th Festival of Sports – Dragon Boat Competition;
2nd Hong Kong Inter-University Dragon Boat Championships;
7th Hong Kong Inter-School Dragon Boat Championships;
40th Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races;
18th Hong Kong Championships;
7th Hong Kong Long Distance Charity Dragon Boat Championships;
Note: Aerial photography and videography is not allowed in the above mentioned race venues.
9. Awards
- Professional judging panel will select the Champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up for each category
- Each winner in student section will be awarded a plague and a gift coupon at the amount of HK$1,000, HK$800 and $500 respectively.
- Each winner in open section will be awarded a plague and a gift coupon at the amount of HK$3,000, HK$2,000 and $1,000 respectively.
Most Liked Award for each category
- Each winner will be awarded a plague.
10. Judging Panel
The judging panel will comprise of Professionals and representatives of 25th Silver Jubilee Celebration Organizing Committee.
11. Date of Adjudication
Adjudication will be held in November 2016. The results will be announced on HKCDBA’s facebook page on November 30. Winners will be notified by phone for collection of the prizes.
12. Rules of Contest
1) All entries must be the original work taken at any of the 2016 dragon boat races organized by Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association.
2) An entrant will not be awarded more than one prize among the first, second and third places in each category except the “Most Liked Award”. An entrant will not be awarded more than a total of two prizes in each category.
3) Entries will be kept and disposed of by the organizer and will not be returned and entrants agree to accept and abide by the provisions.
4) The personal data and information provided by entrants will be used for the purposes of enrollment, statistical use, correspondence and publicity only. If any entrant wishes to amend or retrieve the personal data and information submitted, please contact the Secretariat.
5) After entering this competition, you retain copyright and remain the owner of your images and may also continue to use them in any manner you choose. You agree that the images you submit may be used in any form of publications by the organizer.
6) All entries should be original, should not infringe other people’s rights (including but not limited to copyright) and should not have been publicized before; entries found to be infringing on copyright, whether rights are commercial or non-commercial, will be disqualified. The
Organizer shall under no circumstances be liable for such infringement on copyright.
7) Applicants must ensure entries contain no pornography, violence, objectionable commercial or religious propaganda; they should also ensure that entries are not defamatory, indecent, offensive or discriminatory.
8) Entries should not display the name or other personal information of the Applicants; signatures, borders and watermarks in the form of text, symbols or pictures which contain personal information are also prohibited.
9) The Applicants shall further ensure that: (a) the content of the video clip(s) so submitted; (b) the manner in which the video is taken; and/or (c) the presentation and general tone of the video clip(s) do/does not (i) infringe or violate, or involving elements that infringe or violate
applicable law and regulations, including but not limited to crimes, violence, obscenity, or indecency; (ii) infringe or violate any intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyright, trademarks and/or trade secrets, held by any third party, regardless whether such
rights are known to the Applicants; (iii) contain any confidential information of any third party;
(iv) contain an individual or group in the general public, from which prior consent was not obtained prior to the video taking; and (v) contain personal data, as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).
13. Enquiry
Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association
Tel: (852) 2504 8332 Email: hkdba@hkolympic.org
Fax: (852) 2577 1873 Website: www.hkcdba.org
14. The organizer reserves the right to amend the rules of the contest without prior notice.
15. In case of discrepancies between the English version and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.