「 香 港 龍 舟 年 」 慶 典 活 動 概 覽
An Overview of "Hong Kong Year of Dragon Boating" Celebratory Events
「揮槳廿五載 擊鼓創未來」龍舟展覽 暨 第六屆室內龍舟錦標賽
“25 Years of Commitment; Empowered to Excel” Dragon Boat Exhibition cum
6th Hong Kong Indoor Dragon Boat Championships
2016 / 2 / 25 - 28
「香港龍舟年」的首個活動 -「揮槳廿五載 擊鼓創未來」龍舟展覽 暨 第六屆室內龍舟錦標賽將於 2016 年2 月 25 至28日一連四天,假九龍鑽石山荷里活廣場中庭舉行。我非常期待各位親臨參與這個開幕活動,是次活動不但希望各方的龍舟好友能聚首一堂回顧及展望未來,更讓大眾透過展覽會見證香港及龍舟總會過去的龍舟運動發展同努力。
You are cordially invited to the inaugural celebratory event to be held at the Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill on 25-28 February 2016, namely the “25 Years of Commitment; Empowered to Excel” Dragon Boat Exhibition cum 6th Hong Kong Indoor Dragon Boat Championships. Being the first event of the series, this exhibition is promised to be a meaningful get-together with all dragon boat lovers and friends which will not only allow Hongkongers to appreciate the history and evolution of this cultural water sports, but also to experience the joy of dry land dragon boat machines.
展覽會除了展示香港及龍舟總會過去的歷史及發展外,更有不同的遊戲攤位及有機會親身體驗陸上龍舟機,一嘗划龍舟的樂趣。各位更可參加第六屆室內龍舟錦標賽,與其他龍舟愛好者一決高下!如此有意義的活動,你豈能錯過? 有關活動詳情如下:
In this exhibition, the history of dragon boat racing in Hong Kong and key milestones of HKCDBA will be shown to the public. There will also be booth games for youth followed by the 6th Hong Kong Indoor Dragon Boat Championships. No matter whether you are a dragon boat player, this is an event that you simply cannot miss. Come and have fun with us! Details of the event is as follows:
活動:「揮槳廿五載 擊鼓創未來」龍舟展覽 暨 第六屆室內龍舟錦標賽
Event:“25 Years of Commitment; Empowered to Excel” Dragon Boat Exhibition cum
6th Hong Kong Indoor Dragon Boat Championships
日期:2016年2月25至28日 (星期四至日)
Date:25-28 February 2016 (Thursday - Sunday)
程序: 2月25日,下午1時至2時 - 「香港龍舟年」啟動禮 (只限受邀請人士),展覽至下午8時
Program: Feb 25, 1pm to 2pm - "Hong Kong Year of Dragon Boating" Launching Ceremony (by invitation only), followed by Exhibition till 8pm
2月26日,下午2時至下午8時 - 「揮槳廿五載 擊鼓創未來」龍舟展覽
Feb 26, 2pm to 8pm - Exhibition
2月27日,上午11時至下午8時 - 與眾同樂日及陸上龍舟機體驗
Feb 27, 11am to 8pm - Fun Day and Dragon Boat Machine Experience
2月28日,上午11時至下午5時 - 第六屆室內龍舟錦標賽
Feb 28, 11am to 5pm - 6th Hong Kong Indoor Dragon Boat Championships
Venue:Stars Atrium, Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill, Kowloon