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「  香  港  龍  舟  年  」  慶  典  活  動  概  覽  

An Overview of "Hong Kong Year of Dragon Boating" Celebratory Events



龍舟齊划 ‧ 傷健同行

Campanion Paddling with Disabiliies

2016 / 3 - 5


1. 活動簡介

中國龍舟總會的「香港龍舟年」慶祝系列之《龍舟齊划 傷健同行》推廣計劃是為香港支援傷殘人士的非牟利機構提供ㄧ個齊做運動的平台。 


2. 目的

希望通過《龍舟齊划 傷健同行》讓傷殘人士有機會多參與對身心有益的社交活動、結識新朋友的同時,亦可為參與2016國際龍舟邀請賽作準備。


3. 活動日期/時間

日期: 3 月 19 日 至 5 月 15 日,逢周未及公眾假期

時間: 上午 9:00 至下午 6:00 (每節兩小時)


4. 教練及舵手



5. 活動人數

每隊參加者人數最少 10 名,最多 20 名。


6. 活動地點

新界沙田石門安景街 51E 中國香港龍舟總會訓練中心 (石門地鐵站C出口)


7. 參加資格

1) 必須是非牟利慈善團體,提供支援傷殘人士的服務;及

2) 參與者有最少半數傷殘人士;及

3) 參加者年齡必須 12 歲或以上;及

4) 參加者必須能夠穿著輕便衣服游泳 50 米。


8. 費用

費用全免。每個團體最多可申請 6 節的課程,每節 2 小時,以先到先得方式安排。


9. 報名方法

請於 2016 年 5 月 6 日前,將填妥之報名表(請參閱「附件 1」),以電郵、郵寄、傳真或親身遞交至香港銅鑼灣大球場徑一號奧運大樓 1032 室。逾期申請,恕不接受。


10. 服飾



11. 惡劣天氣之特別安排

1) 如訓練前兩小時,三號風球或以上、紅色或黑色暴雨警告等訊號仍生效,所有訓練將會取消。

2) 如遇雷暴警告、強烈季候風訊號、一號風球或黃色暴雨警告訊號生效,參加者仍需依時報到。訓練進行與否,均以中國香港龍舟總會作最終決定及安排,所有參加者必須遵從有關安排。

3) 基於安全理由,在訓練中途遇到任何情況或惡劣天氣,中國香港龍舟總會有權取消或延遲任何訓練。


12. 備註

1) 所有參加者每次參與都必須出示有效證件之正本供本會職員查核。

2) 中國香港龍舟總會每節最多安排兩班免費課程,以先到先得形式安排有關之申請。

3) 除因惡劣天氣及場地維修外,預訂的訓練日期及時間一經確定後,絕不接受更改。


13. 查詢


電話:(852) 2504 8332 電郵

傳真:(852) 2577 1873 網址


14. 如對本活動詳情有任何爭議,中國香港龍舟總會將保留最終決定權。


15. 如中、英文版本有任何岐義,概以中文版本為準。

1. Introduction

The third celebratory event of HKCDBA’s “Hong Kong Year of Dragon Boating” celebration series on “Companion Paddling with Disabilities” will be rolled out in mid-March in offering non-profit making organizations that provide services and support to people with physical disabilities a FREE platform for exercise. 


2. The Program

To support and encourage people with physical disabilities, the “Companion Paddling with Disabilities” program allows them and companions of disabled the opportunity to have a healthy social life, meet with new friends as well as prepare for the 2016 Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races.


3. Program Duration

Date: March 19 to May 15, 2016 (every weekends and public holidays)

Time: 9:00am to 6:00 pm (2 hours per session)


4. Coach and Helm

To be provided by Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association.


5. Capacity

A minimum of 10 and no more than 20 participants per team.


6. Venue

HKCDBA Shatin Training Centre, 51E On King Street, Shatin (Exit C of Shek Mun Station)


7. Entry Requirement

1) Must be a non-profit making organization that provides services and support to the physical disabled people; and

2) At least half of the participants must be disabled; and

3) Participants must be at the age of 12 or above; and

4) Must be able to swim 50 meters in light clothing.


8. Fee

Free of charge. Each organization is limited to a maximum of 6 sessions at 2 hours each. Allsubmissions will be arranged on a first come first served basis.


9. Enrollment

Kindly send the completed Application Form (please refer to Appendix 1) by email, post, fax or in person to Room 1032, Olympic House, 1 Stadium Path, So Kon Po, Causeway Bay on or before May 6, 2016. Late entries will not be accepted.


10. Dress Code

Participants should wear appropriate attire and shoes covering toes and heels.


11. Arrangement under inclement weather

a) If typhoon signal No. 3 or above, red or black rainstorm warning signal is in force 2 hours before the training comments, all trainings will be cancelled.

b) If thunderstorm warning, typhoon signal No. 1, strong monsoon signal, amber rainstorm warning signal is in force on the training day, all participants shall report on time. In case weather condition is getting worse during the training, HKCDBA reserves the right to cancel or 

postpone the training. Participants should straightly follow the arrangement announced by HKCDBA.

c) In case of cancellation of the training due to inclement weather, HKCDBA will arrange another timeslot in due course.


12. Important Guidelines

a) Participants must present original copies of their valid IDs to HKCDBA staff in each session for identification check.

b) On a first-come-first-serve basis, a maximum of 2 free boats per session will be arranged.

c) Except for inclement weather and venue maintenance, change of bookings is not allowed once the training schedule had been confirmed.


13. Enquiry

Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association 

Tel:(852) 2504 8332

Fax:(852) 2577 1873


14. All matters and disputes over this training program will be subject to the final decision of HKCDBA.


15. In case of discrepancies between the English version and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

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