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「  香  港  龍  舟  年  」  慶  典  活  動  概  覽  

An Overview of "Hong Kong Year of Dragon Boating" Celebratory Events



第七屆香港長途龍舟錦標賽 (慈善籌款)

The 7th Hong Kong Long Distance Dragon Boat Championships (Charitable Fundraising)

2016 / 10 / 16

- 為慶祝中國香港龍舟總會25週年之際,於10月16日首次以12.5公里慈善籌款賽形式舉行。


- 籌得之款項將全數捐贈香港傷殘青年協會 (簡稱傷青會, 作協助殘疾人士重建自信,建立社群網絡,提昇工作技能及就業機會之用。


- 捐款將獲發減稅收據。


- 目標籌得港幣$250,000。

- To celebrate Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association 25th Silver Jubilee, we would like to make the annual long distance race a 12.5 km charity event this year.


- All money collected will be donated to Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth (, a non-profit organization, solely for the purpose of strengthening the confidence and social network of the disabled and enhancing their job skills and employment opportunities. 


- Donations to HKFHY are tax deductible expenses.


- Fundraising target is HK$250,000.00.

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