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請賽 2017

    "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International

Dragon Boat Races 2017"

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」

CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017

(注意Attention)「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"



Regarding the post yesterday concerning the safety issue for international paradragon championship's. HKCDBA would like to clarify it is just a warm reminder instead of a "must follow" rule. Teams could arrange the seats for their athletes on boat by their own preference.

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"


The revised race table for 4 June of CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017 is published now, please refer to the attachment below for details. Due to the unstable weather condition, teams in international paradragon championship's should follow the rule that every disabled paddler pair with another able-bodied on boat.

(更新版)賽程表 Race Table - 4/6 (Revised)

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"


The team manager meeting PPT of CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017, lane draw result and race table of HKSAR 20th Anniversary CCB (Asia) Trophy are published now, please refer to the attachment below for details.

領隊會議簡報 Team Manager Meeting PPT

香港特別行政區成立20周年建行(亞洲)紀念盃 - 線道抽籤結果

Lane Draw Result - HKSAR 20th Anniversary CCB (Asia) Trophy

香港特別行政區成立20周年建行(亞洲)紀念盃 - 賽程表

Race Table - HKSAR 20th Anniversary CCB (Asia) Trophy

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"


The allocation of marquees no. for CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017 is published now, please refer to the attachment below for details.

帳蓬分配編號 Allocation of Marquees No.

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"


The revised race format and race table for 3 June of CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017 is published now, please refer to the attachment below for details.

(更新版)賽制 Race Format (Revised)

(更新版)賽程表 Race Table - 3/6 (Revised)

第五屆「生力香港陸上龍舟邀請賽」資料公佈 Race Informtion of San Migual 5th Dry Land Dragon Boat Challenge


有關本賽事之參賽隊伍名單已公佈,請參閱以下附件。由於場地安排問題,本賽事之決賽時間將改為下午4時30分進行。The crew list of San Miguel 5th Dry Land Dragon Boat Challenge is now announced, please refer to the following attached file for your further details. The time of final race will be changed to 4:30 p.m., due to the venue arrangement.

參賽隊伍名單 Crew List

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"



The revised race table and race format of CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017 are published now, please refer to the attachment below for details.

更新版賽程表 Revised Race Table - 2/6 (Day 1)

更新版賽程表 Revised Race Table - 3/6 (Day 2)

 更新版賽程表 Revised Race Table - 4/6 (Day 3)  

更新版賽制 Revised Race Format

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"


因網絡問題影響,本賽事之賽程表將於明天(24/5)公佈。 香港特別行政區成立20周年建行(亞洲)紀念盃抽籤結果將於6月1日領隊會議後公佈,詳情請留意賽事專頁。

Due to the internet error, the race table of CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017 will be published tomorrow (24/5) and the lane draw result of HKSAR 20th Anniversary CCB (Asia) Trophy will be announced after the team manager meeting on 1 June, please visit our event page for details.

第五屆「生力香港陸上龍舟邀請賽」San Migual 5th Dry Land Dragon Boat Challenge

第五屆「生力香港陸上龍舟邀請賽」將於6月3日於中環海濱活動空間 - 生力啤酒節舉行。有關報名詳情,請參閱以下附件。San Miguel 5th Dry Land Dragon Boat Challenge will be held on June 3 at San Miguel BeerFest 2017 - Central Harbourfront Event Space. Please refer to the following attached file for your further details.


Race Bulletin

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"


For the supplementary information on Race Format of International Grand Championships and President Shield, please refer to the attached files for your reference.


Supplementary information on Race Format

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"


For Race Format and Race Programme of CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017 , please refer to the attached files for your reference.
賽制 Race Format

賽事時間表 Race Programme

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"


本賽事之1) 線道抽籤結果及 2)大會帳篷分配現已公佈,詳情請參閱附件。
For 1) The Lane Draw Result and 2) Allocation of marquees of CCB (Asia) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017 , please refer to the attached files for your reference.
線道抽籤結果 Lane Draw Result
大會帳篷分配 Allocation of marquees

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"



HKCDBA now announced the bulletin (2) of "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017". Please find details from the attachments below.


Race Bulletin (2)

通告:比賽項目取消-專業團體錦標賽及少年制服團體邀請賽 Notice:Local Championships – Professional Bodies & Uniformed Youth Groups has been cancelled



歡迎   貴隊考慮報名參與其他項目,比賽項目詳見中國香港龍舟總會 -「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」專頁(或參閱附件之詳情。

As there is inadequate enrollment for the Local Championships – Professional Bodies & Uniformed Youth Groups. This two race categories have been cancelled.
If you are interested in enrolling other categories, please visit the Event Webpage ( or refer to the attachment below

通告:比賽項目取消 - 專業團體錦標賽及少年制服團體邀請賽

Notice:Local Championships –  Professional Bodies & Uniformed Youth Groups has been cancelled

通告:比賽項目取消-大學錦標賽 Notice:Local Championships – University has been cancelled

截至報名限期為止,因「大學錦標賽」的參賽隊數不足,大會將取消此項目並改為「U23錦標賽暨中國香港龍舟總會主席盾」, 名額為8隊並將以先到先得形式報名。如欲報名之隊伍,請留意附件詳情。

As there is inadequate enrollment for the Local Championships – University. The race category has been cancelled and renamed as U23 Championships cum HKCDBA Chairman Shield. (Quota: 8). Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Please refer to the details as attached.

通告:比賽項目取消 - 大學錦標賽

Notice:Local Championships – University has been cancelled

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"


The information in bulletin (1) of "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017" has been revised,  please find details from the attachments below.

[更新版] 賽事通告(一)

Revised Race Bulletin (1)

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 網上報名 Online Enrollment for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"



HKCDBA now announced the Online Enrollment Manual(For Team Manager Only) of "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017". Please find details from the attachments below.

For manager who has not finish team manager registration, please refer to "Online Registration Manual for Team Manager" and complete the registration first.


Online Enrollment Manual (Team Manager Only)


Online Registration Manual for Team Manager

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"


HKCDBA now announced the bulletin (1), prelim entry form and hotel details of "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017". Please find details from the attachments below.


Race Bulletin (1)


Prelim Entry Form


Hotel Details

「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」 資料公佈 Information Announcement for "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017"

鑑於來年隊伍參賽反應熱列,本會現公佈有關「建行(亞洲) 香港國際龍舟邀請賽2017」資料,詳情如下:



In consideration of active enrollment from teams, HKCDBA now announced the information of "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017", details are as follow:

Date: 2-4 June 2017

Venue: Central Harbourfront, Hong Kong

Details about enrollment and others will be announced in later time.

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for Team Manager & Athlete


​San Migual 5th Dry Land Dragon Boat Challenge



Please refer to the details follow if you got any inquiry regarding the "CCB (ASIA) Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races 2017", many thanks!

熱線 Hotline: (+852) 2110 0398
電郵 Email:



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