Lau Hon Wah, Steve, SBS, JP
Honorary Life President, Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association
2017是令人鼓舞的一年。香港龍舟代表隊於7月中國全運會,及法國「第十三屆青少年及U23世界龍舟錦標賽成績優異。 中國香港龍舟總會亦派出了80多名運動員,於十月中國昆明舉行的「第十三屆世界龍舟錦標賽」,奪得佳績。 本人衷心感激教練團隊對運動員的專對訓練安排和悉心栽培;亦對本會的優秀運動員感到十分驕傲,同時感謝他們刻苦練習和團結一心的決心,充份發揚傳統龍舟精神!
今年本會亦積極向市民大眾提供不同的水上到陸上的龍舟體驗活動。 在培訓方面,全年亦舉辦了接近80個訓練課程,令龍舟運動水平得以大大提升。 在競賽場地方面,今年本會更率先在觀塘海濱舉行賽事,開拓多一個具國際級水準的比賽場地;亦令市民可以近距離親身感受龍舟運動的熱鬧氣氛。
I am delighted to witness Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association (HKCDBA), dedication to the fostering of local dragon boat talents and its remarkable efforts in the promotion of dragon boat sports among the community
2017 is a fruitful and encouraging year. Hong Kong National team has tremendous achievement in July, at both ALL China Games and The 13th World Dragonboat Championships (Junior and U24 Racing). In Oct, HKCDBA also had a team of over 80 athletes, participated at the 13th World Nations Dragon Boat Racing Championships at Kunming, China. They also brought us excellent results. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the coaching team, who has provided all incredible guidance, as well as all professional trainings. And, I am so proud of our excellent athletes, who have shown their absolute commitment and dedication to the team, to thrive for best results!
This year sees a strong advocate of the development of dragon boat sports in Hong Kong. HKCDBA also reaches out the community at large with our dragon boat sports demonstration both on water and on land. We have organized a variety of over 80 training courses, which definitely raise the overall standard.
HKCDBA also takes an active role on exploring more international standard race venue in Hong Kong. This year, we held the “Samsung 60th Festival of Sports” at Kwun Tong Promenade. It is proven to be a very suitable for dragon boat races on the waterfront with Hong Kong skyline. And, this convenient location at heart of Hong Kong allows mass community to experience the event.
With the leadership of Chairman Mr.Arnold Chung and members of council, i believe the HKCDBA will continue to endeavour to bring more memorable activities and international races to local dragon boat lovers.
May I wish 2018 will be another meaningful and fruitful year to HKCDBA!