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Race Official


主席的話   Message from the Chairman





Mr. Wong Tin Tak


Race Official Committee,

Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association

今年,總會很榮幸邀請到國際龍舟聯合會總裁Mike Haslam先生及司庫A.J. van Caubergh先生在6月4日至5日舉辦為期2天國際龍舟聯合會的NRO / IDBF Grade 1課程。此非週末舉行的課程得到非常熱烈的反應,在短短一星期的時間已吸引了24人登記。我們期待著在香港安排更多的國際龍舟培訓。



This year, HKCDBA was honored to invite Mr. Mike Haslam, President and Mr. A.J. van Caubergh, Treasurer of International Dragon Boat Federation conduct a 2-day National Race Official course in Hong Kong on Jun 4-5, 2014.  This course has received overwhelmed responses and attracted 24 people registered in only one week’s time.  We look forward to arrange more international dragon boat trainings in Hong Kong.





  • 國際裁判14名

  • 二級裁判11名

  • 一級裁判43名


As of November 2014

68 race officials have registered with the Association:


  • l International level: 14 race officials

  • l Grade 2: 11 race officials

  • l Grade 1: 43 race officials

裁判活動  Race Official Activities

曹潔娣小姐(後排左 1)、Mr. Phil Reader (澳洲裁判)、主席馬兆榮醫生

(後排中間)、王錦泉先生(後排右 1)等國際裁判於意大利拉溫納拍攝。


Ms. Florence Cho (back row far left), Mr. Phil Reader (RO from Australia), Dr. Raymond Ma, MH (back row

middle), Mr. Alson Wong (back row far right), and IROs taken in Ravenna, Italy

恭賀本會兩名國際裁判 – 王錦泉先生與曹潔娣小姐考獲國際龍舟聯合會三級國際龍舟裁判資歷


Congratulations to our 2 International Race Officials of HKCDBA, Mr. Wong Kam Chuen, Alson and Ms. Cho Kit Tai, Florence who achieved IDBF Grade 3 International Race Official


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