24 小時龍舟接力齊破健力士
Guinness 24-Hours Dragon Boat Relay
24 小時龍舟接力齊破健力士 Guinness 24-Hours Dragon Boat Relay
The record of Guinness 24-Hours Dragon Boat Relay was approved. We,Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association, were successful to break the record and be the current record holder. The latest record is 247 kilometre(s).
The information of the certificate of Guinness will send to each team within this week.
24 小時龍舟接力齊破健力士 Guinness 24-Hours Dragon Boat Relay
有關24 小時龍舟接力齊破健力士的所有文件已交往健力士官方審核,有關記錄有待公佈。
Regarding the Guinness 24-Hours Dragon Boat Relay, all evidence and supporting document was submitted to the Guinness official office, the result will release soon.
如對「24 小時龍舟接力齊破健力士」有任何問題,歡迎循以下途徑查詢!
Please refer to the details follow if you got any inquiry regarding the "Guinness 24-Hours Dragon Boat Relay", many thanks!
電郵 Email: hkdba@hkolympic.org